Financial Literacy for All (FL4A) is a national initiative to embed financial literacy into American culture.

Led by a prominent group of leaders from the business, sports, entertainment and non-profit sectors, our mission reflects this truth: financial literacy must be the cornerstone of any effort to disrupt poverty, alleviate financial struggle, and help everyone seeking to reach their financial capability and realize financial security.

Financial Literacy is the Civil Rights Issue of this Generation.

Over the next ten years, through a series of programs and awareness campaigns, we will reshape, rethink, and reimagine the way we think about our relationship with money.

Financial literacy empowers all of us to make smart decisions – how to budget, save, borrow, and invest. To afford our daily lives, plan our financial futures, and navigate our financial challenges. To ensure greater wellbeing and secure our families. Lack of financial knowledge creates barriers to fully participate in the economy, and in turn, the American Dream. 



Leadership: at the top.

Embedded: into the business plan.

Properly Resourced: to achieve goals and mission.

Committed: for a decade.

Non-prescriptivecan reach employees, customers and spheres of influence, all as member decides.


  • Engage broadly. We seek to create a groundswell for financial literacy so that everyone is welcomed. Our movement is more than just a program, organization, or employer.
  • Embed equity. Financial and racial equity will be at the heart of this movement. It will feature cultural sensitivity, inclusive design and age appropriate programs.
  • Embrace creativity. Rely upon the creativity and expertise of member organizations to ensure financial literacy becomes part of day-to-day life.
  • Stay Flexible. Collaborate on solutions to maximize the reach and results of our collective and company-specific efforts.